"1. De unde te inspiri?
Ma inspir din multe locuri, dar muzica si natura ma inspira cu adevarat.
2.Cum ti-a venit ideea cati "Eternal Starling"?
Vroiam sa scriu o poveste de dragoste eterna, dar vroiam sa creez si propria mitologie si vroiam sa o fac diferita de orice citisem eu pana atunci. Am vazut la TV o emisiune despre rencarnare si am realizat ca ar fi perfecta pentru povestea de iubire pe care vroiam sa o scriu. Dupa, intr-o zi imi conduceam masina si am auzit melodia lui Gavin Rossdale, "Love Remains the Same" la radio
Totul a cazut intr-un loc in capul meu si am inceput sa scriu Eternal Starling in seara aia!
3. De ce coperta asta?
Evie Starling este personajul principal in carte si crinul roz de pe spatele ei este o parte importantă din mitologia trilogiei. Din cauza asta, am vrut sa fie crinul si Evie in centrul copertei. Imi place aspectul delicat, look-ul romantic si cred ca {,} coperta reprezinta cartea cu adevarat.
4. Cu care personaj crezi ca semeni mai mult?
Hmm, Evie este singurul caracter feminindin carte, deci probabil arat mai mult cu ea...dar sunt blonda cu parul ondulat natural , care are o minte proprie. :)
5. Daca ai avea o masina a timpului unde ai merge cu ea?
As merge cu 200 de ani in viitor! Mi-ar placea sa vad ce s-a intamplat in lume cat nu am fost prin jur.
6. De ce numele asta?
Starling e numele de familie a personajului principal, si conceptul de eternitate e important in lumea pe care am creato. Deci am numit-o Eternal Starling.
7. Care e cartea ta preferata?
Am atat de multe, nu as putea nici o data sa aleg una, dar in YA, una dintre cartile mele favorite a fost seria Study de Maria V. Snyder.
8.Daca ai putea avea ceva, fara bani, ce ar fi acel lucru?
As vrea sa fiu fericita. Asta e singurul lucru pe care l-as cere.
9. Ai un bilet de avion spre orice loc, unde te-ai duce?
Imi place sa calatoresc. Una dintre cartile si filme mele favorite este Out of Africa. Chiar il admir pe Karen Blixen. Ea este independenta si nu se teme de nimic. Mama lui Evie si tatal ei din Eternal Starling sunt numiti dupa Karen Blixen si Denys Finch Hatton din Out of Africa. Am vrut mereu sa o vizitez pe Kenya si sa vad unde a trait Karen Blixen .
10. Daca ai venii in Romania (dupa ce cartea ta va fi publicata la Leda) cum crezi ca vor reactiona fanii?
Mi-ar placea sa vin in Romania! As vrea ca fanii sa vina si sa ma vada! Toti au fost asa de sustinatori, si mi-ar placea sa ii intalnesc!
1. From where you get inspiration?
I get inspiration from a lot of places, but music and nature really inspire me.
I get inspiration from a lot of places, but music and nature really inspire me.
2. From where had the idea of your book "Eternal Starling"?
I wanted to write an eternal love story, but I wanted to create my own mythology and make it different from anything I'd read before. I saw a TV show about reincarnation and realized it would be perfect for the love story I wanted to write. Then, one day I was driving in my car and heard Gavin Rossdale's song, "Love Remains the Same" on the radio. Everything fell into place in my head and I started writing Eternal Starlingthat night!
I wanted to write an eternal love story, but I wanted to create my own mythology and make it different from anything I'd read before. I saw a TV show about reincarnation and realized it would be perfect for the love story I wanted to write. Then, one day I was driving in my car and heard Gavin Rossdale's song, "Love Remains the Same" on the radio. Everything fell into place in my head and I started writing Eternal Starlingthat night!
3. Why this cover?
Evie Starling is the main character in the book, and the pink lily on her back is an important part of the trilogy's mythology. Because of that, we wanted to make Evie and the lily the focus for the cover. I love the soft, romantic look, and think the cover represents the book well.

Hmm, Evie is one of the only female characters in the book, so I probably look the most like her...only I'm blonde with naturally curly hair that has a mind of its own. :)
5. If you had a time machine, where you go with it?
I would go 200 years into the future! I'd like to see what's happening in the world once I'm not around.
I would go 200 years into the future! I'd like to see what's happening in the world once I'm not around.
6. Why this name?
Starling is my main character's last name, and the concept of eternity is important to the world I created. So, I called it Eternal Starling.
Starling is my main character's last name, and the concept of eternity is important to the world I created. So, I called it Eternal Starling.
7. What's your favorite book?
I have so many, I can never choose just one, but in YA, one of my favorites is the Study series by Maria V. Snyder.
I have so many, I can never choose just one, but in YA, one of my favorites is the Study series by Maria V. Snyder.
8. If you can have anything, without money, what will be that thing?
I would just want to be happy. That's the most I can ever ask for!
I would just want to be happy. That's the most I can ever ask for!
9. You have a ticket to any destination you want, where you going?
I love to travel! One of my favorite books and movies is Out of Africa. I really admire Karen Blixen. She was independent, and unafraid of anything. Evie's mom and dad in Eternal Starling are actually named after Karen Blixen and Denys Finch Hatton in Out of Africa. I've always wanted to visit Kenya and see where Karen Blixen lived.
I love to travel! One of my favorite books and movies is Out of Africa. I really admire Karen Blixen. She was independent, and unafraid of anything. Evie's mom and dad in Eternal Starling are actually named after Karen Blixen and Denys Finch Hatton in Out of Africa. I've always wanted to visit Kenya and see where Karen Blixen lived.
10. If you come in romania (after your book is published to Leda) how you expect from fans to react?
I would love to come to Romania! I hope fans would want to come and see me! Everyone has been so supportive, and I'd love to meet them!
I would love to come to Romania! I hope fans would want to come and see me! Everyone has been so supportive, and I'd love to meet them!
Tanks Angela for the great interview!!!
Primul interviu!!!! Ce parere aveti?
6 pareri:
Imi place muult muult muuult de ea :x. La varsta ei arata genial ;x.Si imi place din ce a spus ca se inspira >:D<
Foarte tare!
Poti face un post cu ce va mai distribui Bravo si Bravo Girl ? Ma refer la carti.
Multumesc anticipat.
Chiar eram curioasa in legatura cu aceasta coperta (cum a gandit-o) si iata ca am gasit in interviul tau :))
acum cxa se va publica si la noi...o alta carte care va fi must-read
Deabia astept sa apara si la noi in tara! :)
Frumos interviu! Debia astept sa o putem precomanda!(carteaa!)
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